Vincent Hwang

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Chinese Remainder Theorem for Rings

This page explains the Chinese remainder theorem for rings (with identity) and is largely based on the Proposition 10 in [Bou89, Chapter I, Section 8].


Let $R$ be a ring, $\calI = \set{0, \dots, m - 1}$ be an index set, and $(I_i)_{i \in \calI}$ be a system of pair-wise coprime ideals.

Coprime Ideals


Case of two coprime ideals

Let $R$ be a ring, and $I_0$ and $I_1$ be ideals of $R$. We say that $I_0$ and $I_1$ are coprime if there are elements $r_0 \in I_0$ and $r_1 \in I_1$ such that $r_0 + r_1 = 1$. This is equivalent to $I_0 + I_1 = R$. The Chinese remainder theorem states that there is an isomorphism $\eta$ from $\frac{R}{I_0 \cap I_1}$ to $\frac{R}{I_0} \times \frac{R}{I_1}$ sending $x \bmod I_0 \cap I_1$ to $(x \bmod I_0, x \bmod I_1)$.

Case of finitely many pair-wise coprime ideals

We can generalize it to ideals that are pair-wise coprime. The ideals $I_0, \dots, I_m$ are called pair-wise coprime if for $i \neq j$, $I_i$ and $I_j$ are coprime. Let $I_{\calI}$ be a system of pair-wise coprime ideals. The Chinese remainder theorem states that there is an isomorphism $\eta$ from $\frac{R}{\bigcap_{i \in \calI} I_i}$ to $\prod_{i \in \calI} I_i$ sending $x \bmod \bigcap_{i \in \calI} I_i$ to $(x \bmod I_i)_{i \in \calI}$.



Idempotent Elements


In a ring $R$, an element $e$ is called idempotent if $e^2 = e$. Furthermore, if $e$ commutes with all the elements of $R$, we call it a central idempotent element. Let $e_1$ and $e_2$ be two distinct idempotent elements in $R$. They are called orthogonal if $e_1 e_2 = e_2 e_1 = 0$. The Chinese remainder theorem for rings is closely related to a system of pair-wise orthogonal central idempotent elements that sums to $1$.

Case of two orthogonal central idempotent elements

Let $e_0, e_1 \in R$ be two orthogonal central idempotent elements with $e_0 + e_1 = 1$ and define $I_0 = (1 - e_0) R$ and $I_1 = (1 - e_1) R$. We claim the following.

For showing $I_0 \cap I_1 = \set{0}$, we will prove the following observations.

Clearly, if the observations hold, we have $I_0 \cap I_1 = \set{0}$.


Case of finitely many orthogonal central idempotent elements

We generalize to $e_\calI$ as follows. Let’s write $I_i$ for $(1 - e_i) R$.

Similarly, for showing $\bigcap_{i \in \calI} I_i = \set{0}$, we will prove the following.




